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IDCFFSGTFO t1_jacawsa wrote

>professional tenants... never pay rent.

Squatters? My dad had a squatting situation one time in Quincy. So my dad, my uncle, my dad's army buddy and me went over there and removed him. Guy called the cops, Quincy PD told him to get fucked. I think my dad's veteran status and the fact that this dude was a visible scumbag helped a lot.

I really don't know the legality of what happened that day, all I know is we never saw that asshole again.


dante662 t1_jace0la wrote

So yeah, the issue is sometimes the PD will say "it's a civil matter". All the tenant needs to do is flash a fake lease paper and scream "illegal eviction" as loud as they can...and they basically get to live for free in your home until you can get the court to order them removed.


And while they live there, paying no are legally required to keep the house in working order. It's fucking awful. It's at the point where if someone breaks into your home you'd be better off doing what you did than calling the police for help.


camlaw63 t1_jae5lq3 wrote

No, I’m not talking about squatters I’m talking about people who seem like they’re legitimate tenants. And then they find a small defect in the apartments, they call inspectional services, they withhold rents. They make life miserable for the landlord. Think Pacific Heights, not that extreme but you get the general idea.

Once the landlord gets rid of them, they just move onto the next property.