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lucidone t1_j9anz2r wrote

For people who see this cat as something they could sell (because it's an expensive type of cat), you need to give them incentive to return it rather than sell it. There's a reason cash rewards have been given forever.


macadoo784 t1_j9b3bha wrote

Most lost animal foundations highly recommend not offering a reward but what do they know? I guess the random Redditor knows best


Hi_Jynx t1_j9bt3g8 wrote

Because the cat is less likely to be returned or because it incentives people to steal cats for cash rewards?


lucidone t1_j9byqac wrote

All of the reasons from animal foundations that I've read revolve around human nature and the psychology of rewards in general. If you want to believe that animal groups are the end-all, be-all authority on human nature and psychology, go right ahead.


macadoo784 t1_j9cp3i6 wrote

Talking about a lost cat here not the end all be all, be all authority on human nature and psychology. I think you are reaching just a bit.