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WinsingtonIII t1_j9ohssr wrote

The bridge is for cars driving on Morrissey Boulevard, it does not provide access to the yacht club.

The bridge needs to be replaced no matter what as otherwise there will be a break in Morrissey Boulevard, I am guessing the complaint is that it has to be rebuilt as a more expensive drawbridge so the boats can leave the inlet as opposed to a less expensive standard bridge.

But there would need to be a bridge there either way, even if the yacht club didn't exist. So it's pretty misleading to present this as a cost that could be completely avoided, the bridge does need to be replaced. Yes, part of the cost could be avoided if it weren't drawbridge, but standard bridges still cost significant money to replace as well.


alohadave t1_j9oi4t4 wrote

> The bridge needs to be replaced no matter what

Maybe the state will tie it in with the planned rehab of that section of Morrissey (that has been in the works for years).