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botulizard t1_jdsw3a8 wrote

I went to Suffolk, pretty close by. I don't think I ever met anybody who went to Fisher, and even having been just down the street, I'd forget it existed unless I walked by it or something.

It's not prestigious or even remarkable is what I'm saying- and Suffolk's not exactly the Sorbonne either, so take from that what you will.

Although, speaking of my alma mater- you might be interested to hear that while Suffolk isn't the best school in town, it is recognizable, respectable, and rigorous enough, and I studied with people who went on to do all kinds of important and interesting things with great success. Not being a top-tier school, though, means it's pretty easy to get into. I was there 2010-2014, and I'm pretty sure the admission rate was like 70% or something. Consequently, it was a very popular destination for students who applied because they just wanted to be in Boston, and an acceptance letter from Suffolk is basically guaranteed if you were at least a C+ student in high school. If it tells you anything about the desirability of Suffolk's location, another huge subset of Suffolk students in my day were those who made it their second choice after Emerson, which is a very different school that specializes in very different sorts of programs- it just happens that the schools are physically separated by a matter of mere yards (this was me, lol- I had a major academic change of plans, but I was glad to be downtown anyway).

If location is the most important thing to you, if you just want to get in someplace and be in Boston, but you still want a degree with a name people recognize, Suffolk is actually worth looking into, I'd say.