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Level_Environment_57 t1_jeabso9 wrote

Which other countries have regular school shootings and control their guns? Name them. The U.K. had a school shooting in 1996. They banned hand guns. Not a single school shooting since then.


Swayz t1_jeacbcc wrote

Do you only care when white kids in school get shot?


Level_Environment_57 t1_jeacr56 wrote

So you can’t name a country?

I care whenever anyone is hurt. I care massively when it’s innocent children going to school. It’s insanity that we live in a country where this happens over and over and over and we just accept it. Nothing changes. More kids die by getting shot. It’s the number one cause of child mortality in USA. Sensible gun reform would save children’s lives.


Swayz t1_jead9qi wrote

Im still astonished that it seems like people only care when it’s white people getting shot. Give me a few to take that in. I remember Dave Chappelle spoke out about this. He was dead on.


Level_Environment_57 t1_jeadpg0 wrote

How do you know what I care about? Gun control would protect all races. The victims of the Nashville shootings weren’t all white.


Swayz t1_jeafwcu wrote

Because you fail to mention the the majority of gun violence and hyper focus on a small segment of it which majority of victims are white kids.


Level_Environment_57 t1_jeag8yx wrote

This is a post about a vigil for a school shooting. Not a huge shock I’m talking about guns and schools.

I’m ending this here. Have a good day.


Swayz t1_jeagvrq wrote

But looks like the vigil for you is turning an opportunity for you to try to take away rights for Americans. You brought up the guns.


WahaHawa t1_jears9g wrote

Ahh the willingness to sacrifice children for your guns

You know, Satan is most impressed with your pride and ego and unwillingness to listen to reason Your pride could put a president to shame honestly

By all means continue to protest and vehemently defend your right to bear arms


Swayz t1_jeasesw wrote

No. Ignoring mental health is the issue. Guns have long been around. This new mental health crisis we have is horrifying and needs to addressed. The gun isn’t convincing people to shoot others. It’s mental health.