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mrkro3434 t1_jcyvt16 wrote

I also lived there without a car for a year in my late 20's. Absolutely loved it. The grocery store, Moody St, even my Vet, were all within a 5-10 minute walk. But yeah, the one thing that killed it for me was commuting downtown and back everyday.

The express bus could easily be over an hour+ long and worse in the winter, and even though I lived by the commuter rail, I'd either have a pretty long walk or an extra leg on the Green line to get to my office.


TheHonorableSavage t1_jcz4zh7 wrote

That was exactly my experience on the express bus. If I had an early meeting I’d have to wake up at the crack of dawn to make sure I was in on time.

An express/HOV lane on the Pike and removing a couple closely spaced stops in Waltham/Newton could revolutionize those 500 buses and actually make that commute attractive.