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RailRoad_Candy t1_jeeip4b wrote

Also a lot of catch and release. I mean honestly, if you're eating anything other than stocked trout in the waters of all of New England, you're poisoning yourself. There isn't a fish in any body of water in the US that isn't toxic.


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jeeoreh wrote

Dunno why you were downvoted this is correct. Some like 90% of our water bodies have been polluted / PFAs in them. Eating a single fish can be like eating up a months worth of forever chemicals.


tacknosaddle t1_jef4728 wrote

>Eating a single fish can be like eating up a months worth of forever chemicals.

When the aliens pass me up to eat you instead you'll be sorry.


_json_x t1_jef8755 wrote

So out of curiosity, do you eat any fish or avoid it entirely?


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jef8psf wrote

I wish I could - I live in the northeast and it sucks but I know better. Gotta remember the industrial revolution started here, so most of our waterways are fucked. That said, the fishing is still good - just can't eat it.


_json_x t1_jefcyym wrote

I live in the northeast too. Hard to imagine giving up sushi, swordfish, salmon, all of which I love. But maybe I should. Then again it is hard to determine what food sources aren't rife with PFAs.


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jefgui2 wrote

Those are not the common catch; but it’s funny people don’t wanna believe New England waters are fucked. Yes folks we’ve done a lot to clean them up, but how can you quantify a century of dumping polluted in the river; believe what ever y’all want lol


_json_x t1_jefhw2x wrote

I'm not implying the waters are clean at all


SomeDumbGamer t1_jeh2exu wrote

They’re getting better. Where I live near Uxbridge the blackstone, Mumford, and west rivers were some of the most polluted on earth and you’d never know now. They’ve recovered wonderfully.


ImpressiveEffect8212 t1_jefgxmy wrote

Don’t forget about Alaska! Alaskan salmon fishing is highly regulated and some of the highest quality fish in the world


nhf1918 t1_jefzorm wrote

Isn’t that really more true for fresh water (I agree w you on that front). Lower mystic where op is referring to is tidal waters and the fisherman are going for stripers and bluefish which are migrating up and down east coast not hanging around in the river all year.