Submitted by lisa_williams_wgbh t3_127x706 in boston

Hello! As we all continue to cope with the challenges of commuting on the T, GBH News wanted to bring by our transit reporter Bob Seay and transit expert Jim Aloisi to answer your questions about how we got here, how we might get to a better place with transit in Boston, and what the key things to know are in the meantime. 

Bob Seay is a broadcast journalist with decades of experience. After serving as the Morning Edition host for GBH News, he leaned in to a beat he really cares about: transportation. You can see the 30 Days To Save The T series here.

James Aloisi is the former Secretary of Transportation for Massachusetts and currently serves on the board of Transit Matters. Transit Matters advocates for fast, frequent, reliable and effective public transportation in Boston. Transit Matters' slow zones dashboard has been discussed here on r/boston recently; you can see more of the organization's data-driven projects here:

We will be live answering your questions beginning at noon on Monday, April 3, 2023.

UPDATE: Thanks so much, everyone, for asking such great questions. Jim and Bob really enjoyed having the opportunity to talk to you. I think you might have sold them both on becoming Redditors! -- Lisa Williams, GBH News



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NoMoLerking t1_jegis1p wrote

When can we expect concrete answers out of anyone at the T beyond “we’re working on it?”


[deleted] t1_jegnc2w wrote



CJYP t1_jegybx9 wrote

A plan with a specific timeline would be good. Even if the timeline ends up being wrong, just having it would be better than not having it.


lisa_williams_wgbh OP t1_jeg7rwi wrote

(Sorry, reposted due to the wrong date in the title *facepalm*. Remind me to tell you about the time I bought a plane ticket in the wrong MONTH. Ouch! $$$)


RebelKyle t1_jeh3j8h wrote

Why can’t city hall be pressured to introduce a bill to tax the higher education institutions, on the backed land taxes they already owe, to then redirect entirely into fixing the T? The T being aka the student body delivery containers on the tracks that make everything run


HeartrendingExpress t1_jegl7l6 wrote

If all of the MBTA managers were sent to jail, how much in savings would that be over having them continue their corruption and incompetence? How much further savings could the public receive if we out-source their incarceration to another country?

As a follow up, if the billions dollars in fraudulent spending on the new fare collecting machines were instead spent on an entire new jail, would this jail be large enough to house all the MBTA managers, their crooked friends, and corrupt politicians?

A further follow up, how much in expected pensions payments will the MBTA managers receive for the rest of their lives, monthly payments for not doing any work, after spending their entire career being corrupt and incompetent?