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RogueInteger t1_je9yoo3 wrote

OP just not so subtly calling everyone from these neighborhoods assholes should go over real well...


shitz_brickz t1_je9z74r wrote

I put up the shades in my helicopter. That way when I fly over traffic i dont get startled by how many other populations there are.


Angri_1999 t1_jed5tqj wrote

That was my backup plan for the orange line shutdown, how did it work out for you?


SomeSortofDisaster t1_jea560y wrote

By having the basic coping skills that most people develop by like 10.

Your methods may vary.


RailRoad_Candy t1_je9ug4e wrote

You develop patience and learn to kind of live in your own head, because more people mean shit moves slower, inconveniences, ugh.

The one up side, local services are abundant, and you're absolutely invisible.


Coggs362 t1_jea8y4f wrote

Respect, compassion, and understanding.

If that doesn't work, then try lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.

If that doesn't work, try changing your zip code. Like, the first two digits for a start.


Stallsky t1_jeabhmv wrote

I don't think greater Boston has a high level of density, as compared to most major cities.


InfiniteJessica t1_jeat8p7 wrote

The same way I did. Grow older and you’ll age into it.


Angri_1999 t1_jed5r2q wrote

You seem to be naming suburbs (with the exception of Allston) on the T or commuter rail with 128. Have you considers that trains don’t run without riders? If you want less people, be prepared to live nowhere near anything interesting and/or your job or school and to spend a minimum of two hours a day driving.


Mission-Meaning377 t1_jec3sax wrote

First off... Have a conversation with your parents in why you have zero ability to deal with people in society.

Secondly, don't have children because you are ill equipped

Lastly, if you can move to another part of the world, you really should.
