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twowrist t1_je6klxg wrote

I thought they’ve stopped using fur.


George_GeorgeGlass t1_je86oik wrote

Yeah they did and virtue signaling is obnoxious. At least know what you’re talking about before you pontificate


twowrist t1_je8lih4 wrote

Who was pontificating about this?


George_GeorgeGlass t1_jed24pl wrote

I feel pretty confident that you know I was referring to the commenter. The zippity whoever. It feels intentionally obtuse to play a game wherein you don’t know who I was referring to. I know you know it wasn’t you. The cat and mouse thing is a waste of time for some of us. Some of us see the value in straight forward and not spending our lives beating around the bush.

My apologies if you weren’t being obtuse and beating around the bush. But if you weren’t? Work on your deduction skills. This part of the conversation was unnecessary. It was obvious. Don’t bother to argue back. I’m adverse to purposeless conversation and endless meaningless minutiae. The need to be right it prove your point is lost on me unless it’s actually useful or meaningful. This is not


twowrist t1_jed4ptt wrote

Well, you addressed it to me and not the commenter. Sorry if interpreted your post in a more straightforward manner than you intended.


ZippityZooZaZingZo t1_je6lbce wrote

Lets hope. The fact that they were ever doing it is a disgrace.


George_GeorgeGlass t1_je86x67 wrote

I’d wear it either way. You don’t have to approve. But they don’t even use it anymore 😂