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josef_k___ t1_jc27gch wrote

Yeah, slush and shitty wind. Heavy, fluffy snow coming straight down with no wind for a good length of time is so rare in Boston that I vividly remember the last time it happened (though not the date...maybe 2 winters ago): I went to the arboretum and sat in the ash tree section for 2-3 hours, getting completely engulfed by the snow, then walked around for another hour or so. Nobody was there and it was stunningly gorgeous, serene, and pristine.


TurnsOutImAScientist t1_jc28n6f wrote

I apologize, we proactively made sure our snowblower would start about a week ago, guaranteeing it wouldn't be needed lol.

But yeah in general Boston is pretty disappointing for fun weather events. Really miss the dramatic thunderstorms in more mid-Atlantic places, here they mostly seem to miss us or evaporate.


FabulousOffer t1_jc4rdh7 wrote

Thanks for taking the blame, but it's my fault. I proactively replaced one of my snowblower's batteries under warranty last year. It would have expired in December, so I made sure to get the replacement with several months to spare. Then I stored the batteries in a cool, dry place and had them fully charged in plenty of time for winter 😞