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stevej3699 t1_je9l8io wrote

Waste of money


ThisOneForMee t1_je9m9se wrote

It's a training exercise that counts towards pilots' required hours


ajdragoon t1_je9ny42 wrote

Exactly. If they didn’t do it here they’d be doing it somewhere else.


[deleted] t1_je9s00j wrote



Ok-Influence4884 t1_je9x7af wrote

Homie really thinks that once you finish flight school, that you’re just done with training. 😂

What do you do for work?


0verstim t1_je9thkq wrote

Pilots need training throughout their whole career. Take the most skilled pilot alive and dont let them fly for 6 years, what do you think would happen?


Captainbostonfish420 t1_jeawnma wrote

Pilots who don’t have enough training hours do stupid shit like what happened over the Black Sea with our drone. It’s also the reason why Russia doesn’t fly their 5th gen fighters over ukraine. Be happy you live in a country with competent soldiers and pilots.


shitz_brickz t1_je9sie1 wrote

Hope they fly it by the hospitals to show everyone what they could be getting FOR FREE if they just decided to be a pilot instead of get cancer.


navymmw t1_je9m8ce wrote

Your face is a waste of money
