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motnosflor OP t1_jctc96s wrote

Yes, as soon as we saw that news we had to get tickets! He doesn't do many live shows anymore, I think he has 8 dates on 2023 or something. The 2pm show is nearly sold out, 7pm still had plenty as of last night.

And thank you for the advice! That was my initial inclination, but wanted to get the local knowledge.


YourStonedNeighbor t1_jctfduo wrote

2pm- naptime. 7pm- bedtime. Damn, we need an 8am option over here!

Stuck between “$150/ticket is too much for a 16 month old”, and “this may literally be a once in a lifetime concert” lol


Pomelo-jello t1_jcu7lhj wrote

Right? 2pm and 7pm - know your audience! A toddler is not going to survive either of those times in a crowd, in an unfamiliar place, with loud music, without getting disregulated. And…they won’t remember the concert. I think this is more for the parents.


CoffeeContingencies t1_jcw52n1 wrote

In 2019 he came to Worcester. My (then) 2 year old twin niblings LOVED it- I hope your family does as well :)