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_Atlas_Drugged_ t1_jd0kpzz wrote

What is the Shapiro pharmacy?


TheColonelRLD t1_jd0rjtz wrote

A pharmacy?

Shapiro Pharmacy at Boston Medical Center (617) 414-4880


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd0vdof wrote

They are really quick too. My Doc is out of state, called it in this afternoon and it was ready in an hour. Glad this helps!


Thetoonshow t1_jd1dcv0 wrote

You are most likely going to regret this the next time you need to fill your script. You are nice to try and help but everyone and their mother who has been trying to fill their script and can’t will now flood these pharmacies.


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd3kqs9 wrote

I went 24 years without any stimulants in my system— if I have to ration for a month or two so that other people without access for months can get the help they need then honestly so be it.

I’ve had friends fall into depressive episodes after weeks of no treatment, I’d rather help anyone like that snap out of that hole with the help of proper care than worry about myself entirely.

Somethings are bigger than 20Mg’s of legal meth twice a day.

Not trying to be snarky or combative— I appreciate your perspective and don’t disagree with your point. Just making the conscious choice to think beyond myself.

Happy Tuesday though! Have a great week.