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OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd0xkdm wrote

As an ADHDer who desperately needs at least one dose/day to be my very best, Telehealth scares the bejeesus out of me.

I tried Cerebral on a 1 month-free promo for a refill and an ESA waiver (r/LifeProTips) and the guy I talked to asked zero questions after "Tell me why you think you have ADHD" and signed off on everything. A lot of false diagnoses or rushed diagnoses led to an overprescribing epidemic.

Now, that's not to say there aren't a TON of currently undiagnosed folx out there who greatly benefit from stimulants, but the exponential increase of prescriptions isn't because of any sudden increase in actually-diagnosed individuals.

And with that said, the FDA and DEA's regulations on production caps and distribution laws have strained the system just not exclusively because of the drug maker's and distributor's ability or lack thereof to produce a larger volume of these medications at a faster rate. So in short: a little column A + a little column B, if you will.

Can you tell I took my afternoon dose today? Lol

Have a great week to those who read this ramble.