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GeorgeGiffIV t1_jdfa2id wrote

I read about this. So crazy. How is someone to register their vehicle if they dont have a residence there? To register you have to provide some kind of proof of residency. Just crazy.


Ksevio t1_jdftuq5 wrote

The dual registration is designed for cases like where someone lives in NH and parks a van in MA for work, it's not for people visiting and the DMV doesn't seem to get that there's no way or reason for people to actually do that


Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_jdh3e3z wrote

I feel like that is also stupid/ just a money grab. Welcome to Massachusetts I guess


mtgordon t1_jdhgul4 wrote

If it were just a money grab, there would be a way for people who live outside Massachusetts to pay a fee and be done with it.


b1ack1323 t1_jdhoz8f wrote

Like a fucking parking meter?


mtgordon t1_jdhpf44 wrote

Fill out a form, pay a fee. The requirement to go through an insurance company, when the insurance company will deny you a policy because you don’t live in Massachusetts, is what makes this so Kafkaesque; compliance is effectively impossible.


b1ack1323 t1_jdhtz03 wrote

Yeah, no. Just set a separate price for meters shift to an app that you enter your plate. Why should I register for a year if I only work there 35 days?


Ok_District2853 t1_jdh1zcc wrote

I thought is was for college students and transient professors.


Willssss t1_jdh50o9 wrote

Transient professors sounds like a euphemism for homeless people 😂


dyqik t1_jdh64wu wrote

Shouty ones in particular.

Although those in academia will claim that "homeless" is a pretty good description of junior faculty moving around all the time to try and get tenure...


TakenOverByBots t1_jdhe5nw wrote

Worked at a community college with a lot of adjunct faculty. Can attest those trying to use that as their primary income were one step away from homelessness.


homesnatch t1_jdhjsk3 wrote

College students are excluded from this requirement

> Exemption for Enrolled Students: While nonresidents who are enrolled as full-time students in Massachusetts schools, colleges, and universities do not have to register their out-of-state vehicles in Massachusetts, they must complete and file Nonresident Student Vehicle Information Form


Waste-Risk-2735 t1_jdjcuu9 wrote

Wait, are you telling me OP could have avoided this entire thing by just getting admitted to Northeastern?


homesnatch t1_jdjgs61 wrote

No, they would also have to fill out the Nonresident Student Vehicle Information Form.


HoneyBadger_Cares t1_jdfo8zm wrote

How else is Massachusetts gonna collect them sweet registration fee/excise tax/inspection fees. Can't have randos driving around for free! /s


7573 t1_jdftdbf wrote

I mean, I grew up on the NH border and every halfway rich fuck with a second property in NH registered their car to cheat the system at their lakehouse/cabin. Fuck those guys for sidestepping it, but also the RMV for hitting these travelers.


currentprecedent t1_jdgdr5h wrote

shit, i never thought about this. i feel like im gonna be looking at NH plates different now lol.


gl00mybear t1_jdgimcx wrote

Could be confirmation bias, but I always noticed the most dickish drivers around had NH plates. I figured it was folks coming down south and thinking that's how you're supposed to drive in the city, but now I wonder if it's more this kind of thing.


Hajile_S t1_jdhahe6 wrote

New Hampshirites will of course tell you that MA plates drive the absolute worst. The whole “x state plates drive bad” thing is like this little harmless parody of cultural xenophobia.

But trucks with NH plates drive the worst, no doubt.


Bidiggity t1_jdhcm2z wrote

Trucks with NH plates are typically aggressive, but in my experience, Suburbans and Tahoes with CT or NY plates are typically aggressive AND clueless


ftlftlftl t1_jdhdn8v wrote

All trucks are aggressive. It just is how it is, doesn't matter where they are from, all the same doucehbags buy black Dodge Rams, it's a personality trait.


ftlftlftl t1_jdhdsrn wrote

It's 100% confirmation bias haha. You see 1000x more terrible drivers with MA plates but ignore it because it's not "different", the second it's an out of state driver it's "ohhh of course they are from insert state here".



It’s for this same reason they make you pay sales tax on a car if you transfer the registration to Massachusetts without having owned it for a certain length of time (a year I think)


jason_sos t1_jdkim2j wrote

I moved from MA to NH, and I can tell you that you don’t save much money by registering in NH. We don’t have excise tax, but our registration cost every year is based on the value of the vehicle. So it’s essentially the same thing, just in one bill from the town rather than split between the RMV and the town.

Also, as much grief as the RMV gets, in NH you have to know where to go for different things. You normally get plates (and yearly decals) from the town office, license from the DMV, but if you want a special plate, that is the DMV too. Inspection costs vary from station to station, and you usually have to schedule them. Everything expires on your birthday, so “Happy Birthday! Now pay your car registration bill!” Oh, and the town office is open 9-4 M-F, and closed 12-1 for lunch, so you might as well take the day off to go.


7573 t1_jdlnmcz wrote

Yeah, New York sucks with dealing with all that too. It is much more the stereotypical RMV... sorry, DMV... the typical hateful clerks etc.

I think the whole plate thing is to save on car insurance though by having it garaged in another place.


jason_sos t1_jdltd0i wrote

The insurance thing is only true if you don’t have a loan, because most banks require you to carry insurance if you do. And if you have a reasonably new car, you’d be crazy to not carry any insurance on it.


awildcatappeared1 t1_jdkwbr0 wrote

You forgot the best part. Insurance is optional.


jason_sos t1_jdlt6om wrote

Unless you have a loan, because most banks require it. And unless you’re buying a used car cheap, you’re likely to have a loan.