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IronworkRapunzel t1_iu2jppu wrote

Reminds me of a comment I read from another thread where someone said that Boston's nightlife suffers because the lack of adequate transportation to and from especially after midnight.

People either: A.Go out to events and have fun for a bit, but leave early so they can catch a train home

B.Go out, and limit their drinking/don't drink so they can safely drive home after

C.Don't go out all


_hephaestus t1_iu2kqsv wrote

Or D) drive drunk and endanger the people around them.

Or I suppose pay expensive Ubers or live somewhere they can walk, but I imagine there's lots of instances of D.


bobby_j_canada t1_iu5cmoh wrote

The extra "going out" commercial travel is fine, but not as important as the tends of thousands of people who have to take an expensive Uber to work because their shift at the hospital/airport/etc. starts at 4 AM and nothing is running.