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tryptakid t1_iuddvh6 wrote

No shade to OP but it's so ridiculous that the choice about whether to obtain medical treatment is motivated by finances almost solely.

We call it medical cannabis, but there's no treatment. It's a tax coupon permission slip, but it's also an indicator subconsciously that you are taking a medication for some arbitrary condition.


tele23O7 t1_iudlymq wrote

years ago when MA adopted medical weed everyone said "oh we won't be a joke of a process like CA"......... turns out its the exact same joke. anyone can walk in with a straight face and say you have anxiety or trouble sleeping or some back pain and as long as you pay the fee there is 0 push back


hamakabi t1_iudzroo wrote

you don't even need to walk in, you can do a 'telehealth' screening that takes 5 minutes. It's basically a bribe.


tele23O7 t1_iue45hi wrote

its a 3rd party for profit company. not real doctors, no connection to the state or government (that we can see)


tryptakid t1_iuera2x wrote

And what's bad about that is you have the mindset that this is a treatment for a condition (as opposed to viewing it as a drug you like). It is much easier to minimize stuff like side effects or taking tolerance/mental health breaks because 'I need this' is different than 'I enjoy this'.

Don't get me wrong, I love drugs and support people's freedom to make choices around their use. I just wish people would find ways to get their care providers involved if using it for 'medical' reasons.


tele23O7 t1_iues4rz wrote

they can if they want to, nobody is stopping them , there is just no requirement to b/c its a money grabbing thing


tryptakid t1_iuge0fe wrote

I will say that on the other side of it, healthcare can be a bit more open about how they (we) work with people who use substances.


charons-voyage t1_iuey8tu wrote

Well, it’s hard to tell if OP has a medical condition or just wants cheaper pot. This is why the field is a joke, though. You can just say you have anxiety and get your card. It’s complete bullshit and it’s ultimately doing a disservice to patients who actually benefit from the medicinal properties of pot.

It’s fine if you wanna “self medicate”. No judgment. Or if you just wanna get ripped with your buddies and play video games that’s fine. But don’t get your medical card to do that.


felineprincess93 t1_iugyc65 wrote

Honestly, I wonder if too many people gaming the system means that medical cards end. If no one is regulating them really and the government starts seeing a dip in those sweet sweet revenues, what's stopping them from ending no tax on medical weed?