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pdegner3 t1_iu45r3v wrote

Absolutely, bike lanes and bicycle traffic interfering with already narrow vehicle lanes.


Bahariasaurus t1_iu4gtqa wrote

Judging by all the down-votes, I'm guessing people think I'm anti-bike. I'm not. I think putting traffic curb extensions so a bike lane is forced to veer into traffic is dangerous for both the cyclist and shitty for traffic. It's probably indicative of poor planning. See the area around Muskrat Studio as an example:,-71.1107064,3a,75y,223.07h,68.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJcZX86qjZyfil0BGZhoJ3g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

You can actually protect a bike lane BEHIND a curb extension, but it's just weird shit like this all over


Bostonosaurus t1_iu48szz wrote

I'm gonna get down voted to hell on this sub for the slightest mention of a negative externality of bicycle use but here goes.

It's not bicycle lanes themselves, but the "no right on red" signs that go up with bike lanes that definitely cause more traffic.