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wsdog t1_isozqb9 wrote

Yeah, landlords are actually charities, just allowing people to live in their houses for fun.


nyold t1_isqcsji wrote

Not sure why you're downvoted. Landlords can set the price as they see fit, welcome to the free market.


wasting_lots_of_time t1_isr6myc wrote

Normally I'd agree 100%, but absurd zoning laws etc. place an artificial cap on housing supply, which fucks up the market's ability to self-balance. Hence why other commenters in this thread have suggested changing/removing those restrictions.


Efficient-Future786 t1_isrfysp wrote

It's not a free market though, landlords got in when supply was higher than demand and then restricted new development through zoning laws, red tape, and environmental lawsuits to ensure that rents remain high.

Plus, landlords that are out of state actively drain the local economy. If we really want an optimal and free market, every bit of Boston should be rezoned to increase density. You don't need another seaport, build more Back Bay/Fenway/South End style neighborhoods (the most desirable parts of Boston) and everyone will be happy.

Landlords that reside out of state should be taxed at higher rates to encourage local ownership (and local recirculation of rent money). Corporate ownership should be taxed higher than individual landlords, with an increasing tax rate dependent on how many units you own. Renting a retail property to a chain or bank should have higher tax rates than local businesses. Triple deckers without historical significance should be able to be replaced with 5-6 story mixed use brick buildings (built to the property line with a setback in front) without any hassle.

There's so many pen stroke changes that the city could make to make the market freer and benefit local residents at the same time.

Landlords set prices as they see fit, but they only have buyers at such high prices because of shitty laws and regulatory capture. And it's not like they're locals, a lot of these landlords are from out of state investors or corporations.


wsdog t1_isql6q7 wrote

It's a leftist sub, so it's expected.


BrexitBad1 t1_isr834r wrote

Bro even Adam fucking smith the guy who literally invented capitalism said landlords are parasites


[deleted] t1_istg0g7 wrote

Yeah, they (can) provide a valuable service, but they have no incentive to do anything but the bare minimum in exchange for the maximum you can afford.