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angelmichelle13 t1_iujf2i8 wrote

Your law school career office can also help you out (I work at one).


Barred4Life OP t1_iujfe32 wrote

Do you think my office will be able to help even though they're in florida?


angelmichelle13 t1_iujfxnn wrote

Yes. At least they should. It’s the law school’s benefit that you’re happily employed. Be sure to ask about reciprocity with a Boston area law school, which can grant you access to local legal listings via a local law school’s job board:


evilphish t1_iujhu23 wrote

I’m sure you already looked into this but is there Bar reciprocity for you to work in MA without taking the exam? I know Florida doesn’t have it for MA (or really anywhere, they are sticklers). Caveat is my knowledge is dated, as I took the MA bar before it moved to the UBE.


Barred4Life OP t1_iujm2xl wrote

Typically you have to practice for at least 5 years to waive into the Bar in Boston, but I just took the exam and passed thankfully!