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marktheman0 t1_iu4b506 wrote

As others said, Friday is more of a WFH day for a lot of people but today did seem quieter than usual for a Friday at least on my line on the commuter rail


PLS-Surveyor-US t1_iu4c959 wrote

halloween weekend...everyone is up in salem.


marktheman0 t1_iu4dg5o wrote

Rather them than me. Salem is a nice enough little town if you’re sat in the beer garden at Notch by the coast there with a few beers but nothing could possess me (see what I did there?) to go any time around Halloween


tacknosaddle t1_iu5kymv wrote

Yeah, I am in the same boat in that I like Salem for a visit about 9 months out of the year.


Fatallis t1_iu51n6h wrote

Live in Salem….can confirm. Three more days before I can enjoy leaving my house again.


TomBirkenstock t1_iu4co2s wrote

When I came into North Station at 8:30am I noticed a number of people dressed up for Salem, so I think there's something to that.


michael_scarn_21 t1_iu4mv2l wrote

I want to say it's too early for that shit at 8:30am but it's honestly probably the best time to go. It'll be crazy later.


TomBirkenstock t1_iu4rbvs wrote

I'm pretty sure that's what these people had in mind. And they were smart enough to take the train instead of drive.