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Jackamalio626 t1_iuiyo40 wrote

That is kinda badass tho, ngl.


streetYOLOist t1_iujej5r wrote

Nothing says badass quite like wearing makeup with your bros, exposing yourselves and your friends to unnecessary danger with no upside, inconveniencing the public, and shoplifting!


kagrenak t1_iujkafp wrote

>Nothing says badass quite like wearing makeup with your bros

Sounds pretty cool to me.

>exposing yourselves and your friends to unnecessary danger with no upside

Moderate risk taking has been considered badass/cool/rock and roll/whatever for quite a while. Also how big really, is the risk of riding in a giant group of mostly cyclists, doing a few wheelies or whatever?

>inconveniencing the public

oh no they blocked a road or two for a bit on a Saturday afternoon


yeah that part isn't cool at all


Big_Rich_240 t1_iujlti8 wrote

You just described the Boston Tea Party! That's how America was founded buddy!


IdkWhatIwant895 OP t1_iujpoaw wrote

The boston tea party was far more civil and orderly. They only targeted the destruction of the tea owned by the east india company. People who tried to loot anything were told off. They made sure to clean up after themselves and replaced the lock they broke.


Big_Rich_240 t1_iujr3b3 wrote

Wtf? How was the tea party more civil? They were revolting against Tea Act of passed by British parliament which was the government in control! These people are literally doing the exact same thing! Do you hate the founding of America then???


Jackamalio626 t1_iujv2bd wrote

and these kids destroyed no property. They only stole from a corporation (which is fine by me because corporations are terrible) and biked down a road while looking baller af.



Cersad t1_iuk4233 wrote

Does 7-11 stock it's franchise, or do they just require the mom-and-pop franchisee to purchase their stocks from corporate? One of those means it's not actually the corporation eating the losses.


Jackamalio626 t1_iujur75 wrote

No upside? They looked baller as fuck and got free 7-Eleven.


Yak_Rodeo t1_iujy3k1 wrote

weird way to say they stole.

look at philadelphia losing wawa because of the shoplifting from groups exactly like this, its not something to emulate


Jackamalio626 t1_iuk2olt wrote

you cant steal from corporations.

Theyre not people.


BrexitBad1 t1_iuk3m1m wrote

Graduate from college and stop reading from Marxist circles on twitter, you’ll thank me when you realize how embarrassment I saved you


rushadee t1_iujxoyj wrote

Plus its just a bunch of bicycles. I doubt they’re more dangerous than the guys that speed through on motorbikes.