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charons-voyage t1_iufelsp wrote

Reply to comment by Dontleave in Definitely not haunted. by crippledmark

Considering this is uninhabitable currently, wouldn’t someone fixing it up be a net positive for the community?


nattarbox t1_iufmk90 wrote

I live nearby, it’s hilarious because they developed the two neighboring lots into luxury shit already but then the new owners have this fuckin thing next door.

It’s pretty funny but I won’t miss it.


es_price t1_iugdbl7 wrote

That part of Cambridge has more eye sores than you would have expected after 25 years of gentrification


nattarbox t1_iugiakj wrote

The triple deckers down the street leaning over like 20 degrees are easily the best. No idea how people live in those.


es_price t1_iugj50w wrote

At least they fixed that leaning one across from the Whole Foods