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QuestionSleep t1_iujaxt1 wrote

Back in '89 I decided to go out to Salem ten days after Halloween. Ended up staying there for two weeks because I ate and inhaled my own poop. Not the best experience but it probably would've been worse if it happened a week and a half prior.


mouldyrumble t1_iujiiag wrote

Shitty attempt at humor


QuestionSleep t1_iujodtn wrote

It's just a true story. The joke in my family was that I "came out on a plate of brownies" and I didn't know until several years ago that I almost didn't make it out of the ordeal. It's common for newborns to inhale poop on their way out I guess, but I was in natal ICU for two weeks. Probably would've been more of a nightmare for my relatives to navigate if Salem was loaded with tourists at the time.