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__init__dive t1_itvi025 wrote

That is up to you - it is a pretty cool place. I'm happier and much less stressed living in NC. My hour-to-hour, day-to-day life is much easier. There are perhaps fewer things to do and weekends are maybe less fun though. That's sort of the trade-off I have felt.

I also have not really interacted with any "ultra-religious" people in RDU...maybe just a little religious? People have been generally kinder and less...intense.

Just beware the grass isn't always greener.


ObviousAd22 t1_itw6k7i wrote

I am aware that the grass is not greener but my grass is pretty freaking brown down here. My experience is that people either love it or hate it in North Carolina and I am one of those that dislike it and that is okay. Also I like people that are kind and not nice but down here people are just nice but not kind and people are slower here which is not my pace.