Submitted by Puzzleheaded-Loan237 t3_yf33rm in boston

Can anybody give me some city driving tips? never driven of anywhere extremely crowded. Mansfield Mass is the busiest place I've ever driven. I have a small car, Subaru. I've only touched an interstate once but Ive got the balls and blind confidence to drive straight into Boston and see how it plays out, i just think some tips from Boston locals would be very useful. Thank you



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TrainSparkyGang t1_iu1h1sx wrote

You will get lost. If you miss your turn or you are in the wrong lane just take the L and keep going until you can circle back around. Do not stop in the middle of the road like an idiot. Do not block the intersections. Do pay attention if the road you are turning down is a One Way or not.

Assume everyone is the biggest moron you have ever driven next to and that they have an active deathwish. Merge with your gas pedal, not your brake. Use your turn signal, but you are not asking permission you are giving them a courtesy heads-up what you're about to do. You should already be starting to change lanes when you put it on.

Honking is fine. Rolling down your window to argue means you have decided you are willing to die for it, pick your battles carefully because everyone here is on their 13th reason.


-CalicoKitty- t1_iu1mcvc wrote

All excellent advice. I'll just add that you should go the speed you're comfortable with and ignore all tailgating and honking. People speed, but you don't have to.


Moist-Rule8457 t1_iu1g666 wrote

Always assume someone will cut you off, even if you don’t think there’s room to go in front of you I promise they will find a way


symonym7 t1_iu252xa wrote

I was going to say that if someone even remotely looks like they’re about to cut you off they will.


theliontamer37 t1_iu1fdrd wrote

Look out for signs. A lot of times it looks like you can take a left or right at a certain intersection but you can’t.


willzyx01 t1_iu1jm9u wrote

DO NOT yield to people who have a stop sign when you have right of way. There is no such thing as courtesy in city driving.

I’ve seen too many people stop for people who have a stop sign.

If you are driving in the right lane and see an Uber stopping in the left lane, trying to merge into right, do not yield. He will stop in front of you and put his hazards on. Guaranteed.


a_swarm_of_nuns t1_iu1eyag wrote

Watch out for pedestrians. They have the right of way. Otherwise, use an app for directions. They do a decent job. Not much else to it besides knowing how to drive a vehicle properly.


michums_ t1_iu1jw5w wrote

Take your time. There’s a lot of congestion in the city between the cars and pedestrians. Try to stay calm and move at a steady pace. And above all else, don’t stop moving unless you’re truly off the road. As someone else said, if you end up in a wrong lane or miss a turn, just keep moving. It’s not that big a city, and there’s usually a place to turn around soon enough.

What part of the city are you going to?


Puzzleheaded-Loan237 OP t1_iu24mlq wrote

I'm comimg down from south central NH to the roadrunner venue for WEEN!


f0rtytw0 t1_iu2x8t0 wrote

You know where you are parking?

Have that figured out, with a backup plan. It won't be free.


bobby_j_canada t1_iu2bvs2 wrote

If you take I-90 into town at 7-8pm on a Saturday it shouldn't be that bad. It's worth a couple of bucks for the toll to save yourself the aggravation. You'll just be driving down a highway, get off on to Nonantum Rd (which just runs along the river) and then only have like 3-4 blocks of actual "city" driving to your destination.


michums_ t1_iu2i9xe wrote

Ah, nice! I lived right by there for many years. You’ll have no problem driving in Brighton, it’s nothing like being downtown. Enjoy the show!


Final-Lavishness-381 t1_iu1k07z wrote

if you missed a turn let the GPS reroute you, don't cross 5 lanes to make a left or right turn at the very last second.


If you are lost don't drive 5mph and causing traffic behind you, just keep driving and let GPS do its things.


ivb97 t1_iu1og0t wrote

If you can’t go because the light is red, you will be honked at. If you can’t go because you’re trying to turn and there is rapidly approaching oncoming traffic, you will be honked at. If you can’t go because there is a crosswalk right in front of you with pedestrians actively in it and beginning to drive would mean running them over and the car behind you can see that, you will be honked at. Everyone on the road is rude and you will be honked at :)


SpiritedCamel_ t1_iu2b887 wrote

Do not panic if you end up in a tunnel, lose GPS signal, and end up 2 miles from your destination (maybe even on the other side of Boston Harbor). It happens to all of us.

If you're feeling afraid while entering a large, busy roundabout...good. The fear is what keeps you safe.


Que-pasa-2020 t1_iu2pavg wrote

2 miles past the tunnel (in any direction) is really far, relatively speaking.


SpiritedCamel_ t1_iu4ottx wrote

True. Yet somehow I managed to do this when I was new here and had no concept of direction in Boston.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_iu2f1bh wrote

>Mansfield Mass is the busiest place I've ever driven.

Take the commuter rail lol


MyRespectableAlt t1_iu1jnoo wrote

Your entire driving philosophy changes depending on whether or not it's between 7a-9a and 2p-6p.


jamesland7 t1_iu1l4cp wrote

You could always drive to Quincy Adams and just take the red line


BsFan t1_iu1mamh wrote

Where are you driving from and too? May be easier or harder but I can maybe give you some route specific tips. I drive in and all over the city most days for work


Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iu1tqg9 wrote

Boston is not on the grid system, it follows old street patterns which include cow paths. Everyone drives offensively, so you will not get any sympathy from your fellow drivers. They will treat you like an out of towner and beep when you F-up. You may also find yourself one minute in the city and the next in a neighborhood with no skyline not knowing where you are. Bring GPS.

My suggestion is plan for a lot of time, and get out of town before rush hour. Park in a garage if possible if you are going somewhere as street parking is difficult with all the cars.


fakecrimesleep t1_iu1vse3 wrote

Make sure to actually look over your right shoulder before turning because you will end up murdering a cyclist if you don’t


asmithey t1_iu1jq1w wrote

I think I have a Rand McNally folded map from 1996 I can loan you.


SpindriftRascal t1_iu1s9s6 wrote

You won’t know until you know. I think your approach is right: just do it. Expect traffic delays.


ElectricMayham t1_iu23h12 wrote

If you come to a rotary just jump right in and don't make eye contact, it's a sign of weakness.


R3M42_ t1_iu3xcnc wrote

As someone who moved here recently i have a few tips:

  1. Dont think if it as driving. It's go-kart racing with red lights and cyclists. Just drive as erratically and unsafely as everyone else and you'll be fine
  2. Avoid roundabouts if possible. For some reason these idiots call it a rotary which means they don't know what to call it OR how to use it
  3. Take the T. All these spoiled city slickers complain, but the trains and busses here form an expansive network and can get you most places without risking vehicular manslaughter bc these people have no regard for their own safety or yours.

Above all, always remember that the people here drive like suicide bombers and you should be ok.


Warglebargle2077 t1_iu4kkby wrote

People are gonna honk at you. Fuck em. Pay attention. Go 5 over if you can. That’s it really.


kmkmrod t1_iu1iwm7 wrote

  1. Blinkers are a sign of weakness
  2. If you make eye contact you lose the right of way
  3. If the stop sign is red it’s optional
  4. Rotaries/roundabouts do no have designated lanes
  5. The vehicle with more rust has the right of way

charons-voyage t1_iu1kyor wrote

  1. If you are attempting to turn left at a stop light, pull forward as much as you can to block the box so you can turn after the light turns red.

kmkmrod t1_iu1lky1 wrote

  1. Expect 3 more cars after your light turns green