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HauntingTomorrow9191 t1_is0ftcc wrote

To me tipping has gotten out of hand as a way for companies to not pay. 15% is the average for a full service meal, if you're not providing that don't expect it.


LeVeloursRouge t1_is0jqoa wrote

Tipping is out of hand. But 15% hasn’t been the average tip in probably 20 years.

Source - former hospitality professional Edit for spelling.


man2010 t1_is0vx6z wrote

15% hasn't been the average for a full service meal in years, and many tipped workers would make less money and/or have fewer opportunities to make more money if they weren't tipped


Avocado-Phantom OP t1_is0g7l4 wrote

And what should I expect to pay for a self serve buffet breakfast where you're poured a coffee and a juice? One pour. No refils.

The hotel lists the buffet as being $40 per person.


Slowpoke00 t1_is0hjbi wrote

No more than a couple of dollars per person.


maddrops t1_is14fuc wrote

If I am putting the food on my plate myself then what am I tipping for? Table service or delivery deserves a tip, otherwise I'd only tip for exceptional service


Avocado-Phantom OP t1_is14vsb wrote

Pouring one coffee and orange juice without refills and plates being cleared.