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Workacct1999 t1_iuhqpbw wrote

Cash bail is a stupid concept. Either someone is a danger to the community or they are not. Either someone is a flight risk, or they are not. It should have nothing to do with how much cash someone can pony up to a bail bondsman. In this case, the person is a threat to the community and should stay locked up.


oneMadRssn t1_iuhuhos wrote

Cash bail would make more sense if the bail amount was proportional to one's net worth. The theory or history behind cash bail is that it's a deposit to ensure you show up for your trial. Forcing someone to put up substantial amount of money that they would lose if they don't show up was a good way to ensure people could continue working while awaiting trial but also show up for trial back when 80% of the population were farmers, before the invention of airplanes, and before massive income inequality. Today, it makes no sense because for some people the bail amount is trivial and for others it's insurmountable, and the ease of skipping town makes it all irrelevant.


Workacct1999 t1_iui0qia wrote

That would work, but I still think that the entire bail system is foolish. You either are or you are not a threat or flight risk, finances should play no role in that.


oneMadRssn t1_iui1mer wrote

>You either are or you are not a threat or flight risk, finances should play no role in that.

Eh, life is not so binary. Most people are somewhere in the gray area between flight risk and not.

Again, I agree that cash bail doesn't work anymore today. Also, it's effectively become a privatization bail enforcement, which is sick on it's own.

We have better ways today.


anurodhp t1_iui3o6w wrote

you know what, we can speculate but in this case its pretty easy to see what happens. so lets see what happens. I know breaking and entring is actually on the do not prosecute list in your county. If he is even prosecuted, does bail fund show up? they haven not shied away from helping rapists get out and attack new people while on bail in the past.


Workacct1999 t1_iui43mg wrote

It must be exhausting to be this outraged all the time. Go take a walk or something.


anurodhp t1_iuiafnq wrote

as i said lets see what happens. if he is actually prosecuted and not let out on the street again i will concede that i was in correct, if you find that to be unreasonable or outrageous, you may be the one who needs to take a walk.
