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mtnfsh t1_itj5aid wrote

Genuinely curious, why does "he" (the actual guy) suck? I've yet to find any better coffees except a handful of roasters. He's definitely got a bit of a pretentious air about him from what I can see in interviews, but ive found his information wise and educational in addition to the exceptional coffee.


Evelyn11T t1_itjgv63 wrote

Extremely pretentious, thinks he’s the greatest thing to ever happen to Boston coffee and feels like he’s personally responsible for making Boston a renowned coffee city. Which isn’t entirely untrue, and he makes a great product I won’t lie, but I can’t stand him.


mtnfsh t1_itkh1s6 wrote

Fair enough, I could see that. I've never met him but I surely could see this being true. I'll still remain a sucker for the coffee, which I truly enjoy, but I appreciate the insight and will broaden roasters I otherwise less frequently bought from.