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ajafarzadeh t1_iuiuq47 wrote

Maybe we should have put more effort into the green energy infrastructure rather than sacrificing the climate for short-term practicality


psychicsword t1_iujlf87 wrote

I will keep that in mind when heating my home costs more than my mortgage.


lazyfinger t1_iujqoev wrote

Renewables are the cheapest form of power


psychicsword t1_iuju874 wrote

Massachusetts uses 389 billion cu ft of natural gas and 89 million barrels of petroleum and only 16.9% of homes use electricity for heating(often the inefficient induction variety).

Renewable sources becoming cheaper is great news for the world a few decades from now when that changes but this year is going to be a cold one for anyone trying to survive on a budget.

Most people won't be able to install a multi-thousand dollar new heat pump furnace that is entirely fueled by pre-negotiated renewable electricity providers. Even the ones with heat pumps would get hit hard by increasing energy demand on the grid(which still heavily used gas and oil for energy production).


lazyfinger t1_iujy62g wrote

I don't disagree with you, I just wanted to point that out because the fossil fuel industry is not interested in investing in renewables. So this situation is a consequence of it. Of our lack of energy independence bc their profit come before citizens' wellbeing and our planet.
