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JonAugust1010 OP t1_iui2oek wrote

I'm over in Brighton. I'd take a lyft to them if I could order it, I know where they live now -- Happy Halloween!


NoMoLerking t1_iui2wfk wrote

Take a taxi


JonAugust1010 OP t1_iuiwc23 wrote

Actually going isn't so much the issue as once I get to the street all I'd be able to do is look around and try to find the right car, then knock on doors of the nearby houses and ask everyone if they lyfted me downtown yesterday morning


TurnsOutImAScientist t1_iuidimj wrote

Are you sure it's at the driver's house and not at some 3rd party?


JonAugust1010 OP t1_iuiv537 wrote

I am sure I left the phone in their car, can't say whether another rider took it or if it's still like under the seat or something. I've watched it move around, it stays at this residential area in Mattapan for long periods and is driving around to various suburban areas like Chelsea, over to cambridge, down to Hyde Park otherwise -- makes me think its still in the lyft.


Lemonio t1_iui7xo5 wrote

You can usually order from your computer as well if you just google for the url


JonAugust1010 OP t1_iuivv31 wrote

The website is requiring 2-step verification with my phone, can't access my account at all, unfortunately, or I'd be able to contact the driver myself.