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RTFA_RTFA t1_itrqhct wrote

Not great. It means a government agency is so desperate for workers that they're scraping the bottom of the barrel.


ReverseBanzai t1_itruqd8 wrote

I mean personally wouldn’t call former employees with work experience “bottom of the barrel” .


RTFA_RTFA t1_itrv3ai wrote

Former employees who refuse to do their job are bottom of the barrel.


illvm t1_itt6qjg wrote

Getting specific medical treatment isn’t “their job.”


RTFA_RTFA t1_itv5kk0 wrote

It literally is. You have to follow certain rules in the workplace.


illvm t1_itv71nj wrote

Show me in the job description where it says specific medical treatment is required.


RTFA_RTFA t1_itxvaer wrote

The same place the job description says you can't use space heaters under your desk. The sample place it says you have to wear a helmet on a construction site. The same place it says you aren't allowed to let people tailgate into the building.


illvm t1_ity63ph wrote

Uhhh.. the fire safety code?

Oh, right, you’re talking out of your ass. Carry on.


Sgt_Beefy t1_ittzpc7 wrote

Spoken like a true dipshit corporate stooge, impressive.


RTFA_RTFA t1_itycb5z wrote

You're brave for admitting to being unemployable.


Sgt_Beefy t1_itycnky wrote

Going by your naive takes on what you consider "unemployable" that's not much of a concern.


RTFA_RTFA t1_iu2yai6 wrote

If you can't follow ultra basic workplace safety, you're unemployable. You'll need a permanent handler appointed by the state so you don't hurt yourself or others.


Sgt_Beefy t1_iu2zv56 wrote

No, hypochondriacs like you think yourself and others need handlers. Must be tough holding up after the pandemic without having someone tell you how to live your day by day huh? Sorry, but it's over. Looks like they'll have to line the pockets of these "unemployable" people they unfairly fired too, so seems this all worked out great.

I wonder how shocked all of you with this position would be to find out that during the pandemic tons of fortune 500 companies were working directly with unvaccinated contracted employees, and had multiple page lists of companies excused for vaccination requirements. These people were coming into contact with unvaccinated people every day and were none the wiser, but they wont tell you that. It's all about what makes you feel safer. These people effectively lost their jobs for nothing, firing them did nothing, and you're sitting here like a privileged snob probably rolling your fat ass out of bed working a WFH job saying they "deserved" it. Eat shit basically.