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9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 t1_iuj54vj wrote

Love that we're not allowed to have nice things because sticking it to homeless people is more important.

Grandkids are going to roll their eyes when I tell them stories about the good ole days when a fucker could sit down to wait at a train station. Public benches going the way of the rotary phone.


aPirateNamedBeef t1_iuj7r55 wrote

It's not about sticking it to homeless people. I think you are seeing malice where apathy/self interest exists.

People designing things are not thinking, "how can I fuck with homeless people today", they are thinking, homeless people keep sleeping here and that causes problems for me, how can I make my own life easier. Also I am a person in charge of benches at a T station so its not like I have power to help homeless people.

Edit: I would love to know why the downvotes. I am not arguing for shitty benches here.


9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 t1_iuj89vo wrote

A bench that sometimes I cant sit at because some unfortunate bastard is sleeping on it is still better than this non-bench I can never sit down on. This shit sucks and there's no good reason to build it.

Hostile architecture is just a way to push unpleasant social ills, like unaddressed poverty and homelessnes, out of plain sight.


Im_insideyourhouse t1_iuj9j0i wrote

Yeah I can’t imagine why people wouldn’t want the T stations to be filled with homeless people sleeping on the benches with their asscracks out and smelling like piss. Not to mention the pee stains, trash, and needles that inevitably come with the presence of homeless people. Really selfish of those commuters, huh…


Peeeculiar t1_iujbjlk wrote

"Well I certainly don't want bum juice on my WBUR totebag."


9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 t1_iujbv9r wrote

I'm sure going to have to eat some humble pie once the last public bench is ripped out and all the homeless people evaporate from public life.

You're still going to have to look the ugliness of extreme poverty right in the eye in public places, but now you'll not have any place to sit.


slatergator8 t1_iuk6umk wrote

Is this picture messing with anyone else? The biggest black bar that goes across looks closer to us than the bench part, which is really throwing my brain off right now