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riski_click t1_iui0kze wrote

Good watching out, but would have been better if you called management as soon as you were safe so they could catch him.. how do you know that he doesn't go anywhere except there?


[deleted] OP t1_iui2k28 wrote

I called management and they gave the phone to the bar staff and they said he’s a regular for 10 years and wouldn’t do that…


VicVinegar88 t1_iuihzti wrote

You turned your head for a second and then immediately your fiance starts feeling weird and stumbling? I'm sorry this happened but the timeline just sounds so oddly worded.


susgodtraplord t1_iuikdtk wrote

You’re being downvoted because frankly your story sounds untrue. Or at least you’re leaving something out. You felt uncomfortable going to law enforcement because of rude bar management??? You felt uncomfortable going to get tested at a hospital??? Either y’all are the most avoidant people on the planet or this didn’t happen.


charons-voyage t1_iuisknm wrote

At bar ingesting alcoholic beverages for hours. Starts to stumble. Sounds like a normal night at the pub lmao.


[deleted] OP t1_iuiwk2u wrote

Look at my comment, trying to warn you


TywinShitsGold t1_iui3f87 wrote

…you were there for hours? Did you also have drinks for hours?

Because having a lot of drinks and cigars can cause dizziness.


[deleted] OP t1_iui6own wrote

She doesn’t smoke, she drank normally, i know how she reacts with alcohol


Public_Substance451 t1_iui3hgs wrote

Did she get tested or are you assuming she was? I say this because you said you were there for hours. I'd assume drinking - and it's pretty natural to be stumbling after hours of drinking.

I believe hospitals can test to confirm the presence of being roofied which could help build a case against the person you think did this.


[deleted] OP t1_iui6ubo wrote

She’s been roofied before and knows the feeling.


[deleted] OP t1_iui70qc wrote

We are out of towners and did not feel comfortable going to law enforcement given the way the bar reacted to me calling him out


Tall_olive t1_iuilz78 wrote

Why not go to a hospital for a blood test? That'd make it pretty clear.


Turd___Ferguson___ t1_iuitpfz wrote

What does law enforcement's response and the bars response have to do with each other?

FWIW, I don't think you're lying. I just don't understand your thought process


[deleted] OP t1_iuiwocw wrote

If you check my most recent comment, she has a traumatic past and I didn’t want to push her as she’s a grown adult


LongjumpingCheck2638 t1_iuinnu9 wrote

Been going there for years. NEVER have I heard anything to this effect. It's a fun joint, definitely not for everyone but one thing is for sure - it's one of the safest spots in the city. The locals don't tolerate nonsense and douches in there


Frankiesmiles19miles t1_iuifbhc wrote

Saw it happen at Venu, we were at VIP and the bar staff reacted crazy. Didnt do anything and we had it on film


[deleted] OP t1_iuivx01 wrote

Y’all. We went out to get Italian at 8pm, had one drink a piece there. Went to go home and then decided to continue the night around 9:30-10 because she knows i like cigars, i had one beer and my fiancé ordered me and the two guys we were talking to 3 green tea shots which have 15% Alc a piece. Then as last call comes around she had to use the bathroom and I’ve been talking to this guy to my right for 30 minutes, casually checking up and talking to my fiancé. She says when she came back she ordered one last drink and then turned to talk to me and then took a drink and started to blackout. She was terrified and said the guy started to say I didn’t care about her, he wanted to bring her home and she needs to come now. She had bruises on her arm the next morning. She stumbled up the stairs and became so incoherent so quickly(as I stated she knows what it feels to be roofied). She and I went home but she was so sick the next day and she wanted to move past it and wouldn’t go get tested no matter how much i asked her to go. ( i understand her not wanting to go because she had been raped as a child and slandered by the very people that did it to her. I’m trying to warn y’all since this is all I can do at this point yet the people here are questioning what happened and are exactly like the bar staff. I’m glad we didn’t go in because the Boston Pd and the people that would supposedly help would most likely be exactly like yall. Fuck you guys.

TLDR: 5 drinks over 5 hours= trashed??? Definitely not. Boston Reddit doesn’t want to accept they have a roofie problem and likes to victim blame? Definitely yes.


olstockade t1_iuikgbm wrote

Same thing happened to my fiancé there a year ago. Don’t know if it was a bartender or a customer, but it definitely happened there.


[deleted] OP t1_iuien0u wrote

Y’all all downvoting are assholes and the guys that women hate


QueenOfBrews t1_iuio3lz wrote

It’s not that. It’s that your timeline, explanation, and lack of getting it checked out doesn’t make any sense.


chicogrlinmass t1_iuikbj4 wrote

Sadly this is an ongoing problem in Boston. There are news reports and a facebook group about it.
