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hillsy8 OP t1_ity3kmg wrote

Reply to comment by djlawrence3557 in ring removal in Boston? by hillsy8

words cannot describe how hard I’ve committed to the floss trick - I’ve had this stuck on my finger for almost two weeks. It’s been multiple attempts across those two weeks - closest it got to coming off was after I had my hand in a bowl of ice water above my head for 5 minutes and then tried the floss trick. Second closest was when I tried the floss trick while standing in the walk-in freezer at work. Still got stuck on my knuckle both times rip

and yes, as mentioned, I know emergency services can help me - I’m asking about jewelers who do removal because I’m hoping to save myself a second trip to get the ring repaired (I’m cheap, and I’ve got a feeling my “local emt squad” + ring repair is going to be more expensive than just the jewelers)