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Phrag t1_iu50tsf wrote

So we're not even going to consider that he may a highly developed super-fan of Lock-picking Lawyer with a plot to frame his parents just before Halloween so he can keep all the candy they bought for other kids and go trick-or-treating...?


gimpwiz t1_iu6joh6 wrote

Truthfully, kids are kind of fucking stupid yet often much smarter than we give them credit for. At age 7 I had overheard and memorized my parents' password and knew how to get into their safe ...

Realistically, it's negligence at best like 99 times out of 100, but sometimes the kid figures out stuff nobody reasonably expects them to.

One reason I'm very hesitant to own any firearms is because I assume my kid is gonna be way too fucking clever (in dumb ways.) My wife asked if I wanted to get something for self defense and I was like, the security required to truly make it proof against an obnoxiously motivated child also would take me ages to get through. Not a problem for a toy to take to the range, a problem for self defense where seconds count.