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Essarray t1_ixbicv1 wrote

Hi. Former member of said cult here. I escaped when I was 20, currently closing in on 50. They are extremely psychologically abusive to their own kids every step of the way. Members are only allowed to hang out with other cult members unless they're trying to convert someone. If you commit the unforgivable sin of disagreeing with the WT society's constantly changing beliefs you are removed from what is then your only support network. They really do suck.


jWalkerFTW OP t1_ixcji8f wrote

I’m very sorry that you were forced to endure that. I can’t imagine how difficult it was, and how scary it must have been to leave. I hope you’re doing well nowadays!


Essarray t1_ixcyvta wrote

Ehh, shit happens. Thank-you though. Currently I am enjoying watching them slowly go out of business every time a kingdom hall closes and gets sold. It's hard to sell "the apocalypse will be here any day now" for 140+ years (1881).