Submitted by Indecisive_kangaroo t3_z34007 in boston

I am moving from Baltimore to Boston soon with my son (he's under 5) and I want Boston to be the place where I take him to see his first game in person, once we get settled. Between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel generally has the most family-friendly atmosphere? Also, is there anything you recommend doing at the game to help make his first game special (food, sights, traditions, etc.)?



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Peeeculiar t1_ixjs32r wrote

Easily the Sox, but frankly I'd not hesitate to take a kid that age to any of the three. There may be some earmuff moments at a Celtics or Bruins game, but nothing they won't hear from Scumbag Kayden on day one of preschool.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_ixjvbjd wrote

Definitely gonna be some at a bruins game but isn’t that why we go? May as well get him started young.

Fuck the Habs!


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixk7w73 wrote

My husband (from NJ) thinks the Bruins fans are the most authentic Boston fans. The first game I took him to, some guy a few rows in front of us kept screaming "Get rid of Chara, he's a fucking dinosaur!" in the best Boston accent.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_ixke2rr wrote

I agree, but If they keep playing this well, there’s gonna be a lot of extras along for the ride. That’s cool too!!!


BobQuasit t1_ixjtgl2 wrote

I agree that the Sox are probably the best bet, but they're all fine. Just be ready to spend tons of money. The prices are insane.

I mean, really insane.

If you ever want to take your son to something more reasonably priced, you might try the (it's hard to say this) Woo Sox in Worcester. I imagine that prices are higher than they were when they were the Paw Sox at McCoy stadium in Pawtucket, but they will still be far less than at Fenway stadium.


PigWithRice t1_ixjymge wrote

I went to the woosox with my wife. Parking, tickets, some food and a couple beers well under $100. If I didn’t have to drive out there I’d go all time


BobQuasit t1_ixjz3j0 wrote

Anyone have any idea of what the same experience would cost at Fenway? I can't imagine it coming in under $500, and probably a lot more!


No-Garlic-2664 t1_ixk1dwk wrote

Minor league baseball is so underrated. We used to go in college and I remember a 20 oz beer was 5 bucks. The smaller stadiums actually result in a much nicer atmosphere too


saramand3r t1_ixz1iu1 wrote

Woo Sox is the only one I will go to now! Super affordable, nearby the commuter rail, and the goofiest mascot. When I went during the summer, there was a ton of well-behaved kids there and at least one Cub Scout troop.


MoonlessPrairie t1_ixjtimw wrote

Day games are better no matter which you choose


BuckyWunderlick007 t1_ixjs4vu wrote

Probably the Red Sox, but any would work. The Red Sox always have some kid friendly stuff on whatever Yawkey Way is called now. He’ll probably be most interested in a helmet sundae and whatever else you get him from concessions.


man2010 t1_ixjs754 wrote

Sox, Celtics, Bruins in that order. A weeknight Red Sox game is as family friendly as it gets


Iluvablondemexican t1_ixjv1ul wrote

When my son was 10, we were on the “dance cam” at Fenway. My sweet baby boy turned, faced the camera directly, and flipped the bird. 🤦‍♀️. I was torn between feeling horribly embarrassed, laughter, and peer pressure to punish my son for his act of vulgarity. I’m sorry not sorry!


ComfortablySmug007 t1_ixke4l7 wrote

You are coming from Baltimore, anything here is sunshine and rainbows compared to that

Sox would be most fun though


Indecisive_kangaroo OP t1_ixker73 wrote

Thank you, I legitimately laughed my ass off to your comment. I am going to go with the Sox for his first game.


unspoken296 t1_ixlchnq wrote

I’m from Baltimore too. Sox Os tickets are always so cheap. Fenway is definitely better than TD. TD can get rowdy and overwhelming


RogueInteger t1_ixjz379 wrote

Red Sox family section. Face painting, photos with Wally, magicians, promos... it's all good.

But the game is long. Cs and Bs would be shorter and definitely have more showmanship.


Feisty-Donkey t1_ixjste8 wrote

Any would be fine, but the Sox are the best for kids. There’s just a lot of activity around Fenway for them


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_ixk864d wrote

Any are fine but for family friendliness I would probably say Red Sox--> Celtics --> Bruins.

Also be aware that professional sports games cost a lot more up here than they do in Baltimore. I spent more on 2 tickets to the Bruins game last weekend than I did for an entire weekend of Red Sox games in Baltimore this year. Actually maybe more than all 8 Red Sox games I attended in Baltimore this year.


SpindriftRascal t1_ixkgwut wrote

Fenway Park for an early season day game.


Shelby-Stylo t1_ixqj4l7 wrote

Once it warms up! I see no need to rush into Fenway Park. There’s lots of kids at afternoon Bruins games.


excitableuno t1_ixkk4yd wrote

Sox are probably your best bet, there’s a family friendly section of Fenway that doesn’t serve booze.


Equivalent_Metal_534 t1_ixkwys4 wrote

Sox. For a kid under five, it’s going to be really exciting to be at a game, anywhere. Bruins and Celts are playing now, of course, so it would be a wait for baseball. Someone mentioned minor leagues. Minor League BB is very family friendly, much more relaxed, and you’re not in a sea of people. Hope you like whichever you choose.


geffe71 t1_ixmb1qz wrote

Obligatory Fuck the WooSox and Larry Lucchino

I miss the Pawsox


No_Preference2949 t1_ixlx0xe wrote

This is Boston not Philadelphia, we don’t beat up Santa at our sporting events. You should be good at any of the venues.


agenz899 t1_ixmhypr wrote

Bring him to the winter classic in January. Hockey game at Fenway. Can’t beat it.


75footubi t1_ixls8h9 wrote

Honestly, as a fellow Baltimore transplant, trip down to Baltimore in May and take him to a game at Camden Yards. Best stadium in baseball for a reason.


geffe71 t1_ixmajzi wrote

Seconded. And it’s cheaper than 2 tickets at Fenway

I’m serious. Had a math teacher who told us he would watch the Sox/Orioles at Camden because between the transportation/accommodations/great seats it was cheaper


75footubi t1_ixms9z7 wrote

It's why Camden is always a semi-home park for Yankees and Sox fans, tickets are cheap enough that the travel costs still make it worth it 😆


AutoModerator t1_ixmsa0g wrote

This one time I saw A-Rod leaving a hotel. So I yell "A-Rod you fucking suck!" He turned around and was all pissed off. He started towards me and i Kept yelling. Then all of a sudden Jeter grabs and stops him. He still looked pissed off. I think I broke him that day. Cause after that he started hitting the roids even harder than usual, and then got busted.

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geffe71 t1_ixmbe7f wrote


Celtics would be nice but it can get rowdy and Sox you’d have to take out a second mortgage to pay for tickets


rocksalt131 t1_ixmnjg7 wrote

The Bs def. No sport is better to watch in person and the crowd will be great


miroa12004 t1_ixna5c2 wrote

If you have a car, The Revs at Gillette is the most family friendly atmosphere


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andavy t1_ixkqxna wrote

Depends on the seats at all three places.


nflreject t1_ixjw9rd wrote

Bruins …. Ummmm a revs game be better


aray25 t1_ixkdx96 wrote

I'd love to go to a Revolution game, but they're impossible to get to if you don't drive.


Boston2021 t1_ixknk31 wrote

A kid under 5 is going to be bored off his ass at a sox game like most of the sober people, especially for 2-3hr game.. Go to the Bruins, might make a Hockey fan for life.

Or Save yourself some cash take him to woo Sox or Providence Bruins. It’s like taking a kid to Canobie Lake and telling them it’s Disney.


tulips49 t1_ixls23c wrote

What do you mean by “soon” - the Sox won’t play again until April.


WhoDat44978 t1_ixlhdbb wrote

You’re gonna find Boston is not Baltimore. I made the move from B’more in late 2018 to Boston…food here is trash, the lack of diversity is pretty stark comparatively, and traffic is around DC status.

As for your Q. any would work. You’re gonna have people yelling and cursing at any sporting event. Personally, hockey is going to give you the most action and bang for your buck.

Good luck - also bring me a Dipasquales Italian when you come?
