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bryanhealey t1_ixdzh9a wrote

I'd rather we have true public internet. The state can be it's own ISP.


Michelanvalo t1_ixhhvg4 wrote

The state as the ISP is a bad idea. Too much power given to the state. It needs to be more regulated like the power grid but not actually run by the state.


bryanhealey t1_ixhsju1 wrote

what power would this give the state that it otherwise doesn't have today?


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ixe3kew wrote

That's a nice idea but it raises some serious privacy / ethical concerns that would need to be addressed. There's pretty much nothing nefarious in my internet traffic but I sure as shit that cops have to jump through a bunch of hoops and compel a judge before they can see it.

Removing that figurative firewall would be.....not great.

Not to mention you're empowering the state to exploit the lack of net neutrality on traffic it deems inappropriate. And just the simple reality we've observed where things managed by the government are not inherently better or more efficient.


wallet535 OP t1_ixe6u6g wrote

I guess I’d trust that firewalls can be maintained between government agencies. That’s like the whole separation between, say, prosecutors and judges.


Selfeducation t1_ixgm9eo wrote

Youre downvoted but youre correct. Im in networking, the infrastructure is already horrid, would be worse knowing how shit our govt is with these things. Govt can definitely already spy on the citizens but making it even easier to manipulate would be a bad idea. Plus like you said, opportunity for censorship.

Heavy regulation is the way to go but itll never happen. The big companies are the only ones who can afford to build the lines. Currently what the “solution” is, is to force the big isp’s to wholesale at cost the usage of the lines to third parties who can then “compete”


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ixhnyar wrote

I think people really fail to grasp just how much work and manpower goes into an ISP. Are they subcontracting out installation, maintenance, repairs, support, and all the back-end shit that needs to exist?

I've worked with a LOT of ISPs and the municipal ones like Norwood Light has are a clear step down in terms of pretty much every factor except for cost. Available service, reliability, support, repair time, etc are all garbage.