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wallet535 OP t1_ixe3o63 wrote

Any push to change the FCC definition?


thedoormaan t1_ixe4vrk wrote

The Obama admin’s FCC was able to get broadband classified as Title II in 2015, but it was revoked by the Trump Admin soon after. I’m not sure if any internet regulation was able to be implemented at a state level in that time span. To the best of my knowledge there’s no real push to reclassify broadband currently, however the FCC created the Affordable Connectivity Program which is a $30 monthly subsidy towards internet for low income consumers so that’s a start I guess.


CostcoBrandDinosaur t1_ixfkibz wrote

Not really a start, that's tax payer money going to a corporation with nearly zero competition.


Bostonosaurus t1_ixf1iqk wrote

Why hasn't Biden unrevoked it?


laricaine t1_ixfrz29 wrote

He’s still trying to get the deciding vote on the committee (Gigi Sohn) appointed. Republicans are holding up the process, for exactly the reasons stated above.


wallet535 OP t1_ixftjit wrote

This is why we can’t have nice things. :-/


Bostonosaurus t1_ixg19wg wrote

Why can't they just skip committee stuff and just bring the vote to the floor.

Anyways, just gave $20 to Warnock. Hopefully they can just get to 51 votes and control the committees.


wallet535 OP t1_ixf2esz wrote

I’m guessing lack of public pressure?


wallet535 OP t1_ixe7f3x wrote

Super-helpful, thanks. And I guess based on what you wrote that the FCC truly does limit the states; I’ll do some Googling to see if there have been any creative legal attempts to do an end-run around them (or batter through them lol). Appreciate the insight.


thedoormaan t1_ixejgyj wrote

No problem. I do think broadband should be regulated to some extent, but idk how much I would want an ISP to look like currently regulated utility companies like eversource or national grid because they are pretty much monopolies. There should definitely be billing and termination protection for consumers and I think state government should be able to regulate the prices of basic plans, but I’m not quite sure how that could be implemented tbh.