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-CalicoKitty- t1_ixmn6r8 wrote

When I had 50 Mbps I called up RCN to ask why my bill had gone up $10. They lowered my bill $10 and increased my speed to 155 Mbps. I didn't even complain or ask for anything. Sounds like it's not quite as easy these days, but it never hurts to call them. If they don't offer, just ask.


accion12 OP t1_ixmnefj wrote

I just got off a call with them, and they refused to budge. Offered like $9 lower for same speed. I'm seriously considering switching to Comcast or Starry


Bmxing85 t1_ixn3aj0 wrote

Call back again. You probably got a sour agent.

Comcast is nothing better, I never tried Starry but hear it’s slow and data caps.

Check out T-Mobile 5G. If it’s not available at you current address try using a friends address. It’s autopay so no real issues. $49.99, it is 2year contract tho


dante662 t1_ixoe7dy wrote

Starry isn't slow, and there is no data cap.


accion12 OP t1_ixn40n9 wrote

I tried chat, calls & social media but not much.

I have used Starry in the past. It's similar to T-mo's 5G setup. Doesn't look great when compared to Comcast advertised speeds, but they offer close to what they promise. It sucks sometimes during bad weather. They say they started in Boston because windy weather helps them figure out how to improve those weather issues


cxmplexb t1_ixnou9h wrote

Xfinity works great, just make sure to purchase an adaquate speed. 99% of issues people have with ISPs is their own fucking fault, I.e. why do I have lag with 15 devices all streaming Netflix on the cheapest per month plan.

I pay $79.99 for 1 gig down (get 1400 Mbps or 1.4Gbps), 40 Mbps up. I recommend your own router and modem, the Xfinity ones tend to be a bit garbage wifi wise, they work fine for Ethernet though.


cxmplexb t1_ixnp0cu wrote

Crapmobile 5g that doesn't work through a concrete wall over 3 ms ping 1400 Mbps down Xfinity for $80/m? What are you smoking, can I get some?


-CalicoKitty- t1_ixn2fua wrote

I would probably just take the $9 discount. That's not bad, and you probably don't need faster speeds. If you want a better deal, apparently you have to actually schedule a disconnect and someone from customer retention will reach out in a few business days. Otherwise you can switch between Comcast and RCN every couple years. I've had Comcast before though, and they raised prices more than RCN does. Good luck!


accion12 OP t1_ixn3i49 wrote

I already asked them to disconnect, and don't foresee a better deal. I think I would rather switch to Starry which offers good service and would still save

The devil that is Comcast, does offer a better deal's so tempting


wanton_and_senseless t1_ixn6s1q wrote

I switched to Starry from RCN and never regretted it.


husky5050 t1_ixna8os wrote

Starry laid off half it's workforce and is headed for bankruptcy.


accion12 OP t1_ixnnnsi wrote

Literally most tech companies are laying off. If it goes bankrupt, I'll switch back to RCN with intro pricing


walthamian t1_ixnnzxv wrote

I was an RCN customer about 3 years ago. I called to cancel the service because at the time, Verizon was offering a low cost deal. Several days after the RCN cancel call, I received a call from RCN: "This is Vice-President (or something similar) So-and-So. We really want to keep you as a customer. Isn't there anything we can do to keep you?". I wanted to say, "Yes, you could offer me a lower price deal than what I'm paying you now." But I didn't. Am currently using RCN again, at a much lower cost than Verizon. So, you might want to call one more time next week (after the holiday and the weekend) and just say "I'd like to remain a customer but I've done a lot of research and I know many other RCN customers in my area have much better deals in terms of cost/speed".


simonsays123 t1_ixrn8dn wrote

On the phone, actually say you want to cancel, pick a cancellation date a couple weeks in the future. They’ll call or email you in a week or so and offer a deal. I’ve done this twice with RCN


cxmplexb t1_ixnp5r3 wrote

Comcast works absolutely fine. Only non tech people have issues with them for obvious reasons.


ribi305 t1_ixoc5jf wrote

They used to be much more scammy with fees and raising rates, and their service used to be worse. And if you ever need a tech to come out it was a huge pain. But they've gotten better, I've used them for like 17yrs and lately I think they're pretty solid, with fair prices, good perks and decent customer service


anurodhp t1_ixq5fys wrote

Call and say you are switching. You will be sent to retention who is authorized to change costs and plans. If they don’t budge switch.