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walthamian t1_ixnnzxv wrote

I was an RCN customer about 3 years ago. I called to cancel the service because at the time, Verizon was offering a low cost deal. Several days after the RCN cancel call, I received a call from RCN: "This is Vice-President (or something similar) So-and-So. We really want to keep you as a customer. Isn't there anything we can do to keep you?". I wanted to say, "Yes, you could offer me a lower price deal than what I'm paying you now." But I didn't. Am currently using RCN again, at a much lower cost than Verizon. So, you might want to call one more time next week (after the holiday and the weekend) and just say "I'd like to remain a customer but I've done a lot of research and I know many other RCN customers in my area have much better deals in terms of cost/speed".