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pup5581 t1_ixx8ea9 wrote's why this shit is happening.

The war on drugs will never be won all while we waste billions a year. Fucking stupid country thinking the war on drugs is worth it and doesn't make it 10x worse


HebrewHammer14 t1_ixxa2nz wrote

What would you suggest as an alternative to fix the current situation?


pup5581 t1_ixxewdd wrote

What Portugal did in 2001 and the Netherlands and other countries are doing. Legalize all drugs for personnel use Portugal had a massive HIV and overall addict rate. After legalized it dropped significantly compared to the rest of the EU.

All the money that was spent to combat drugs and drug arrests when to rehab progams and they are now the leaders when it comes to getting people healty again.

Imagine billions going to treatment facilities vs tactical gear for police or Jail overhead? It's proven to work and helps lower drug use in general thus it hurts drug dealers.

Building a wall or hiring more police officers will make the issue worse and worse as we see. As no money goes to rehab...


cedarapple t1_ixxrmgp wrote

Portugal decriminalized drug use but dealers and distributors are sent to prison there, contrary to popular opinion. They also don’t tolerate open air drug markets.


HebrewHammer14 t1_ixy6nax wrote

I personally don’t hate the idea of legalization. However it’s hard to ignore a state like Oregon and a city like Portland where homelessness and drug use is out of control. Not to mention there are needles everywhere. They have jobs for ppl that are dedicated to just picking up discarded needles that are just left in the street. How do you think seeing that everyday would effect a child or what if they stepped on them ?