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Wtf_is_this1234 t1_iycp4uy wrote

There's less risk involved when the landlord knows he'll find a new tenant shortly after the current tenant says they're not renewing.

In truth, I challenge anyone who's renting right now to run the numbers and find a 2 BR house that can truly cost less than $2,400/month. Between the mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance, water/sewer and heating bills, it's just not realistic anymore.


BoredinBoston524 t1_iycpl8e wrote

I have always lived in places that would immediately fill upon my departure and successfully countered twice. An apartment going unrented is not the risk - and with the exception of a small window during COVID has really never been an issue in this area. The risk is getting a tenant who ruins your unit and/or doesn’t pay. Even if countering is unsuccessful, there is still no reason not to try.