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lostinam3rica t1_iyb2uat wrote

Oh okay well this is a blatant (and worse) rip off of my design from last year...this dude wack af.


MistaHazard t1_iybczbn wrote

Do you sell your designs/merch?


lostinam3rica t1_iybhpvv wrote

Working on it. Hopefully soon!


InfiniteBlink t1_iybuzbu wrote

I hope once you figure out how to outsource the business logistics of screen printing on demand with quality materials, you have another design that gets good traction. If you are trying to figure out how to get your work out on clothing, please make sure you put effort in selecting quality materials so that not only does it look good, it feels good.

I'd avoid genetic cotton in general and opt for a blend with polyester. The softness and stretch will make it a quality shirt people will wear over again, rather than some shitty bottom barrel cotton shirt that looks cool but doesn't fit well.

You've got something here bud. Good luck!


lostinam3rica t1_iycil4c wrote

Appreciate the advice. Always a challenge finding good suppliers.


Brinner t1_iybq2au wrote

That's a sick design. Green number maybe? Honestly great as is


defenestron t1_iycsh9e wrote

Have you looked at Owayo? I’ve used them a few times to print charity jerseys for marathon runners.

The only downside is you’d need to make it a “group buy” as they do not do print on demand. But every print on demand athletic company I found was either stupid expensive $80+ jersey or very poor quality.


ottersinabox t1_iyci90o wrote

RemindMe! One month


MrLegilimens t1_iyc0f9o wrote

… my dude, you aren’t the only one who can imagine the T line going through the T in Boston.


lamb_pudding t1_iyba090 wrote

I dunno. You should watch this video, it changed my perspective on considering things blatant rip offs. Maybe they did see your design and rip it off. But, it’s not a blatant rip off and has enough difference in it to make me think two people came up with the same creative idea.


lostinam3rica t1_iybau5n wrote

Hmm…same typeface, same vertical orientation, same line work running through the T logo, same number location but reversed? This ain’t a coincidence bud.


lamb_pudding t1_iybff9p wrote

These coincidences are actually pretty likely. Both designs are taking inspiration from the MBTA's design system (i.e. the line work and typeface).
The differences I see in the two designs are: 1. the lines take different shapes and directions 2. the layout of the team name and number are different.
Both designs read to me as a response to an art school prompt. "Design a Celtics Jersey that uses the MBTA design system". While you may have had this clever design idea first, it’s not that hard to see how someone else would come up with the same idea either and landed on a similar result.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iyblhjr wrote

> “Design a Celtics Jersey that uses the MBTA design system”.

Along with the requisite art school primadonna thinking using industrial design from the 70s means they own it and invented it, and then calling out someone else for having similar inspiration.


Control_Is_Dead t1_iybd6i4 wrote

It's not the same typeface fwiw. Still probably not a coincidence imo.


giritrobbins t1_iyd4vkv wrote

Don't type faces and families go in and out of style regularly. It seems that's what's currently vogue.


Control_Is_Dead t1_iyddahu wrote

I would say not so much the font styles, but the way in which those styles are used.

> “In the new computer age, the proliferation of typefaces and type manipulations represents a new level of visual pollution threatening our culture. Out of thousands of typefaces, all we need are a few basic ones and trash the rest.” — Massimo Vignelli

For context of the timescale, Grotesque fonts on transit maps is a ~50 year old trend whereas the font style itself is from the 1800s.


lostinam3rica t1_iybhbft wrote

Technically yes, you’re correct. But very similar san serif—I just meant to the average viewer they’re essentially the same.


CaesarOrgasmus t1_iyd5963 wrote

technically, the average person knows fuck-all about type and will see Helvetica next to a geometric sans-serif and go "they don't have the squiggly end bits, they're the same"

a designer would be able to easily distinguish the two and choose more intentionally.


bookon t1_iydjbdw wrote

I think the suggestion is that if two separate people both decided to make an MBTA inspired Celtics jersey then they would likely have similar design choices. And that is a very fair suggestion.

This seems to be very similar however.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iybky94 wrote

Not the same vertical design. I mean the OP is a T, which I’d argue is far more clever and aestetically pleasing than what it’s purported to be stealing from. This other one is 80s future lines like United airlines. There’s nothing novel about having the T line colors represented, or organizing them by color in a pleasing way.

Edit: I mean by your measure, you just stole this nuggets design from the 80s:


JimboScribbles t1_iyddxch wrote

People who aren't used to critiquing art wouldn't pick up on most of the subtle design differences between these two examples despite being visually similar. Spending years in a critique based system will teach you very quickly how to spot the differences.

But like you mentioned further along, if you took 100 designers, kept them from each other and gave them the prompt 'Design a jersey that's based off of the MBTA', probably 90/100 would look exactly like these two examples but would have enough unique design elements that none were copies.

It's probably not a ripoff at all, both are just very heavily borrowing design elements of generic transit maps that could be found in almost any major city.


Vontom t1_iybl9si wrote

This would be great on a bike jersey too!


fromcj t1_iydl95r wrote

Not really. You both had the same idea and executed it pretty differently. They’re both good.


BigBallerBrad t1_iybj558 wrote

Man we gotta get yours in the room with some Celtics people


absynth5 t1_iyc3qga wrote

Jerseys based on a cities transit system isn’t a new idea. No one was ripping your shit lol


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iybko1q wrote

Yeah dude, no ones biting your shit here. It’s not a blatant rip off, it’s a similar design. You didn’t invent colored lines that represent the T lines. Your design is dope, but this isn’t “the same thing.” Unless you got a copyright on colored line industrial design.


lostinam3rica t1_iyblnn5 wrote

Welp. Strongly disagree with your take and clearly lots of others recognize an uncanny resemblance as well, but of course all are entitled to their own opinion.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iybmhcc wrote

I mean, kinda biased no? Is there a resemblance? Sure. I mean you’re basically asserting that you invented putting rainbow lines on a jersey. And not acknowledging that the design you’re bitching about took a far more interesting route for its colored lines, forming a T, rather than an s/s/slash whatever you got. You didn’t invent the MBTA industrial design, you borrowed from it. Maybe have some perspective.


b3n5p34km4n t1_iybg9p4 wrote

Glad you showed up because I was wondering:

What about this design (OP’s or yours) has to do with the city of Boston, or anything Celtic? Shamrock makes sense. What I’m getting at is, could this design not be used by ANY team?

Bigger question: who gives a fuck that OP is designing a new Celtics jersey after every win if the design isn’t inherently unique to Boston or Celtics?


cherry_bobomb_ t1_iybhimo wrote

Why are you commenting in this sub if you clearly don't even know what the T is..


Carl_The_Sagan t1_iybis3a wrote

I don’t love gatekeeping but I agree it’s a little silly to not know the subway map motif


cherry_bobomb_ t1_iybko98 wrote

I'm not gatekeeping. I didn't say he can't comment. I'm saying I don't know why he is. This post didn't blow up, so it's not likely it got recommended to him..


ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_iyc3ljh wrote

I mean, you are gatekeeping, but in the "What's this kindergartner doing here without crayons" sense. I agree with your gatekeeping. It's sensible gatekeeping. This guy somehow thinks our local basketball team are druids from the Scottish Highlands.


Un_creative_name t1_iybjucu wrote

Is it not possible to have fans from outside the city? From other countries? Ones that have never been to Boston? Jesus, it's not silly to not know it. It's pretentious to expect every fan TO know it.


cherry_bobomb_ t1_iybkli3 wrote

what are you talking about fans? I don't expect fans to know shit.. I expect you to know what the t is if you're commenting on a BOSTON subreddit. This is not a basketball subreddit


Un_creative_name t1_iybt5d2 wrote

My bad. I thought this was the Celtics sub. I'll leave my comment there to get rightfully downvoted.


Funny-Berry-807 t1_iybh0hy wrote

It's the T.

Short for the MBTA.

Metropolitan Boston Transit Authority.
