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BillMurraysTesticle t1_ixhk7x4 wrote

Imagine being AGAINST bollards but FOR 17 people being injured in a preventable accident.


wsdog t1_ixhkk57 wrote

You cannot go back in time and install bollards at this particular location preventing this particular incident. I don't know why this is so hard to understand.


BillMurraysTesticle t1_ixhkx37 wrote

Nice strawman. That's not even close to what my comment was getting at. I'm saying that you're valuing "pretty architecture" over public health and that's ridiculous.


wsdog t1_ixhle0w wrote

No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that bollards do nothing good and do harm. As any other security theater does.


techiemikey t1_ixhttfl wrote

Bollards aren't security theater. They provide safety. And the "harm" you proposed is "they don't look pretty"