Submitted by Electrical_Bed_ t3_z29zd3 in boston

Yes I am an idiot who is driving to my dad’s out in Amherst for Thanksgiving. We’re leaving from Somerville Wednesday hopefully by 8 at the latest.

Afaik the two contenders are the Pike (but ugh traffic around/up to 84) or route 2 which is objectively longer but idk.

I’m leaning towards the Pike bc it’s familiar but will I be sitting parked on 90W kicking myself for my choice?

Tell me what to do!!!



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1000thusername t1_ixfdo0e wrote

I like the route 2 route, and since the pike is going to suck the life force right out of you and take a long time anyway, you may as well go route 2


TywinShitsGold t1_ixfe3hn wrote

Leave at 9pm.


UniWheel t1_ixj8a9z wrote

>Leave at 9pm.

Exactly. Once it's too late to make it to NYC or NJ things get better.


inanemantra t1_ixfhdog wrote

If you leave at 8am or 9pm I would take the pike. Rt 2 is brutal. You could also technically take rt 9 or rt 20 I think. But that’s even worse.


slouchingtoepiphany t1_ixfoign wrote

I agree, Rt. 2 becomes a very pokey road the farther west one drives. I'd opt for the Pike and choosing a good time to drive.


Electrical_Bed_ OP t1_ixfn7hi wrote

Yeah not route 9 — I may be a poor planner but I’m not that dumb

ETA I do want to try to get on the pike by 8:00am but am I deluding myself here


inanemantra t1_ixfo1k9 wrote

It’s been many years since I made the trek out that way on a holiday but it should be letting up By 8. There are many tools to check current traffic and see if its worth waiting.


Electrical_Bed_ OP t1_ixfod9e wrote

thanks dude I’m gonna try for it and also try to expect traffic so my road rage can take the day off. me? well-balanced? not usually but this i may be able to do


SpindriftRascal t1_ixg0304 wrote

If you really leave by 8am, 90W will be just fine.


DanieXJ t1_ixg7frg wrote

Tomorrow? So, find a boat going to Europe. You're then gonna want to make your way across Eurasia, cross the pacific, then, take California to Western MA.

You'll definitely get there faster than if you go anywhere west tomorrow.


M_Shulman t1_ixh5ul2 wrote

Motorcycle across North Africa, train across Asia. He’ll be fine.


kissmekate48 t1_ixfyrfp wrote

The 84 exit off the pike will be terrible, hopefully it doesn’t cause problems in the left lanes or if there’s an accident. I always liked 2 to 202. Might be slower, but less stressful.


mshelikoff t1_ixg4ugg wrote

Give a kid aged around 8 to 11 an old fashioned paper map of the state showing every secondary road. Draw a dot on Somerville and a dot on Amherst. Tell him or her to create a route that goes north of Quabbin Reservoir and avoids cities outside the Boston area and avoids interstates and highways and avoids routes 2, 3, 9, 20, and 30 as much as possible. Then let the kid be your navigator. If you don't have a kid, find an adult who can pretend to be a kid. Enjoy!


UniWheel t1_ixj8yvq wrote

>paper map of the state showing every secondary road. Draw a dot on Somerville and a dot on Amherst. Tell him or her to create a route that goes north of Quabbin Reservoir

At least do that in daylight so you can enjoy how pretty it is while being slow as heck.


jerrocks t1_ixflznf wrote

Route 2 will suck too.

Take 90 so I’ll have one less car in front of me on 2 (heading to western NH so I don’t get a choice).


felineprincess93 t1_ixfocep wrote

I say take 90 to spite this guy (plus more lanes, Rt 2 sucks once it's just a two-lane mess).


Electrical_Bed_ OP t1_ixfp8of wrote

Right and not to jinx myself here but isn’t the speed limit on rt 2 lower than the pike?

ETA to fix sloppy punctuation


felineprincess93 t1_ixfxavm wrote

Honestly, who really pays attention to the speed limits in MA? :p

The real rub about 2-lanes is all it takes is one asshole not passing in the left and you've created your own traffic jam.


Electrical_Bed_ OP t1_ixgvzep wrote

Gritting my teeth the whole drive will not add to the thanksgiving vibes which are to be assumed to be gothic/emotionally fraught


-CalicoKitty- t1_ixg4kh2 wrote

Speed limits on rt 2 mostly range from 45-55 mph, but when traffic allows cars go about 60-80 mph. That being said, don't take rt 2. There are so many traffic lights between 95 and the Concord Rotary and traffic sucks. It'll take you 1.5 hrs just to get to Leominster.


gaboose t1_ixh4109 wrote

Rt 2 goes through lots of towns. As others have said, it’s a slog until it gets past Leominster. After that, it’s downright pleasant, but can be slow through the town centers where speed limits drop. Definitely a scenic and interesting ride. I recommend it.


[deleted] t1_ixhkv0i wrote

Take the pike, leave early, it’ll be worse on 90w today with everybody heading to 84 down to Connecticut and New York/jersey, backups wil be crazy. But for same day to Amherst you’ll be fine if you leave before the macys parade ends on tv.


UnrealMitchMcConnell t1_ixiw3k3 wrote

Rt 2 for sure, especially with all that traffic on the pike. Even better if you’re coming from a way where it makes sense to avoid the Concord stretch.


Jack_Jacques t1_ixh3jyz wrote

OMG! You’re gonna drive all that way. Must be almost 2 hours. Bring a sleeping bag and a cooked turkey to keep you alive.

BTW, try Google maps. Duh
