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Vomitus_The_Emetic t1_iyctkaw wrote

How the fuck are you supposed to commute to this city? Is there a method that doesn't leave you late every day?


-Jedidude- t1_iyd9jzb wrote

  1. Work somewhere without a designated start time.

  2. Leave earlier.

  3. Wfh

  4. Purchase helicopter.


Difficult-Ad3518 t1_iyd2z51 wrote

I’ve found the most reliable form of transportation for the able-bodied is walking.

A city can have a downtown that is built for people first, or cars first, but not both. It is impossible to have one’s cake and eat it, too, in terms of getting vehicle traffic through quickly, and creating a safe, pleasant, main street atmosphere for people outside of cars.

Right now, much of Boston is trying to have its cake and eat it, too, and we’re all suffering for it. Ban cars. Build more housing. Let them walk.


man2010 t1_iyd8g0a wrote

If you're late every day then you need to leave earlier


Badloss t1_iydd0yr wrote

"I live 40 minutes away from work and only budget 20 minutes to get there, wtf this city is a mess and I demand they fix my commute"


easiepeasie t1_iydnxk1 wrote

You have to leave absurdly early, then you're on time when there's inevitable traffic/delays, or in the unlikely event that you're early, you need to find a library or cafe to kill time in.

Or bike.


felicityshaircut t1_iyd68qw wrote

Trying to go to doctors appts via public transit gives me so much anxiety. I’m either 10-15m late or 40m early.


PapalStates t1_iydbiqe wrote

I can already tell this isn’t the answer you’re looking for, but I’ve been biking into downtown or Kendall Sq from Arlington,Dorchester, or Chelsea for the last 10 years and have been punctual about 99% of the time. (The 1% is from when I get a flat or have to take the T bc of snow or whatever.)


LIATG t1_iydehuy wrote

keep an eye on transit apps and plan for traffic/train delays ahead of time