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chevalier716 t1_ixdi51g wrote

People keep forcing them to stay open while they wait for their buddies to get into the train, it's gonna keep breaking them.


VeterinarianRich5986 t1_ixdm9ns wrote

People holding the door open in New York is extremely annoying, but it never got to the levels it did in Boston. My main memory riding the T every day for 2.5 years is sitting at a station, doors close, only to open again because someone cannot comprehend “stand clear of the closing doors.” And at night it was often drunk college students holding doors open to let their friend on.


MiscellaneousBeef t1_ixna4t4 wrote

We need to take the French approach and just close the doors on people.


VeterinarianRich5986 t1_ixrf2rh wrote

I’ve advocated for replacing the rubber edges with blades. “Hey, if you don’t want to lose a bag, a finger, or a limb, then stand clear of the f*cking doors!”


christmaszeev t1_ixdmphe wrote

Yeah this is the one. Often times it's not "broken" exactly, but they cut it out in the closed position until the motor/sensors can be reset at the yard.